Statements of Significance / Heritage Statements
For unlisted buildings in conservation areas we prepare Heritage Statements and Statements of Significance. Statements are normally required by planning authorities in association with planning applications for significant alterations, demolition or conversion / change of use. They fulfil the requirement contained within National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) "to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting".
We investigate the fabric of the building and research its development, based on the physical evidence and using our detailed knowledge of vernacular building types and architectural styles and influences. We consult the Historic Environment Record (HER), which is particularly important for industrial sites, medieval settlements and town centres with multiple layers of development and archaeological potential, and we search local records and archives. Finally, we consider its setting and how this may have changed and affected its significance. All of this determines how a building has evolved and how it contributes to a place or how it has been altered and damaged.