Conservation Organisations in the UK
IHBC – The Institute of Historic Building Conservation - www.ihbc.org.uk
The Society for the Protection of Buildings – www.spab.org.uk
The Georgian Group – www.georgiangroup.org.uk
The Victorian Society – www.victoriansociety.org.uk
The Twentieth Century Society - www.c20society.org.uk
Historic Towns Forum - www.historictownsforum.org
Government websites
English Heritage – www.english-heritage.org.uk - English Heritage is the Government's statutory adviser on the historic environment. They have a searchable online catalogue of their archives and maintain the National Heritage List.
HELM – www.helm.org.uk - Historic Environment Local Management was set up by English Heritage to work with partners in local authorities & national organisations to provide training & guidance to manage the historic environment.
Other useful sources
www.heritagegateway.org.uk - ideal for geographical searches of listed buildings, scheduled monuments, parks and gardens.
www.a2a.org.uk - Catalogue of national archives
www.oxforddnb.com - biographies of eminent historic figures