Case Studies
New supermarket in Knowle Conservation Area, West Midlands
Independent assessment of planning application submitted for new Waitrose supermarket in Knowle, on behalf of The Knowle Society. This included a review of the significance of this section of the conservation area, analysis of impact on key views and appraisal of design, materials and landscaping.
Unlisted building in Blackburn
Assessment of group of buildings within Richmond Terrace Conservation Area, including a row of speculative Georgian housing of 1791 and warehouse, adapted for manufacturing garments. Site investigation revealed dating evidence for a long sequence of development and alterations in association with industrial development of the site.
Unlisted building in Wollaton Conservation Area, Nottingham
Building Appraisal for an unlisted house in a conservation area. Investigation revealed the building to have been designed by local cinema architect Reginald Cooper in 1935, in “Streamline Moderne” style, but to have been heavily altered.